Journal Publications
2020 Zaghoo, M., Collins, G.W. & R. Jeanloz "Laser-Induced Dynamic Compression of Planetary Materials", Annual Review of Earth & Planetary science, Invited Review, 2020
2020 Hinz J., Karasiev V. V., Hu S. X. , Zaghoo M. , D. Mejia-Rodriguez & S. Trickey "Fully Consistent Density Functional
Theory Determination of the Insulator-Metal Transition Boundary in Warm Dense Hydrogen", Submitted
2020 Zaghoo, M. "New thermodynamic constraints on internal, thermal and magnetic states of Super-Earths",
2019 Karasiev V.V, Hu S., Zaghoo M., & T.R. Boehly "Exchange-correlation thermal effects in shocked deuterium: Softening
the principal Hugoniot and thermophysical properties" Phys. Rev. B 99, 214110
2019 Zaghoo, M. et al. Breakdown of Fermi-degeneracy in the simplest liquid metal, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 085001
Featured in: Rochester News,, ScienceNews,, ScienceDaily
2018 Zaghoo, M. et al. Striking Isotope effect in the Metallization phase line of Liquid Hydrogen and Deuterium,
Phys. Rev. B 98, 104102
Featured in: NYtimes, Harvard Physics
2018 Zaghoo, M. & Collins G., Size & Strength of self-excited Dynamos in extrasolar Jupiter-like planets, ApJ. 86, 19
Featured in: Rochester News, All about space, ScienceDaily,
2018 Zaghoo, M. Dynamical conductivity and partial ionization in dense fluid hydrogen, Phys. Rev. E 97, 043205
2017 Zaghoo, M. & Silvera, I. Conductivity and dissociation in Metallic hydrogen: Implications for planetary interiors PNAS, 10, 73
Featured in PhysicsToday
2017 Silvera, I.F., Dias, R., Noked, O. & Zaghoo, M. Metallic Hydrogen J. Low Temp Phys. 187 (1)
2016 Zaghoo, M. et al., Evidence of a first order transition to metallic hydrogen, Phys. Rev. B, 93, 155128
Featured in Harvard Physics, Harvard Gazette, DailyGalaxy, Chemistry World, Scientific American,, Spacedialy, ScienceNews, Scienceblog, Northdallasgazette
2013 Dyzyabura, V., Zaghoo, M. & Silvera I. "Evidence of a liquid-liquid transition in hot dense hydrogen.
PNAS, 110, 20
In preparation
Zaghoo, M. "Equation of State and thermodynamics of solid & liquid Iron in Super-Earths’ cores" In prep.
Zaghoo, M et al. "Experimental estimate for viscosities of silicate melts at Earth's lower mantle conditions" In prep.